* Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed.
1. A brilliant student is (a) ………………… asset. One day he may be (b) …………………. engineer or (c) ………………….. M. B. B. S. doctor. He makes (d) ……………………. best use of his time. He makes a proper division of his time and does his duties accordingly. He knows that youth is (e) ……………….. golden period of (f) ……………….. life. He has (g) …………………. aim in life. He knows that (h) ………………….. life without (i) …………………….. aim is like (j) ………………….. ship without a rudder.
2. Bangladesh is a land of (a) ………………….. scenic beauty. (b) ……………………. land, (c) …………………… rivers and the forests are (d) …………………….. sources of this beauty. Geographically Bangladesh can be divided into four regious. In many places there are a lot of amazing beautiful spots. There are many historical places also. For this reason, (e) …………………… tourism business can flourish here. (f) ………………… wild animals of (g) ………………….. Sundarbans are also (h) …………………… great asset. Tourism can play (i) ……………………. vital role in national economy. But it is still in its tender age. So, we have to cross (j) …………………… long way.
3. We were returning home. On (a) ………………….. way we met (b) ………………….. little girl. She was selling (c) …………………. flowers on (d) …………………. street. She requested us to buy (e) …………………. flower. My mother is (f) ………………… kind-hearted woman. (g) ………………….. motherly affection rose at (h) ……………… sight of her. She gave her (i) ………………….. ten taka note and bought some flowers. We should be kind to (j) …………………… helpless.
4. Bangladesh is (a) ………………… world’s most densely populated country. Our development efforts are frustrated because of (b) ………………… great size of our population. (c) ………………… population explosion is (d) ………………… constant threat to our environment and (e) …………………. society. Here population is growing at such (f) …………………. high rate that (g) …………………… environment may soon fail to supply (h) ………………….. people with their minimum necessities. It is indeed (i) ………………….. alarming situation. Something should be done to change (j) …………………. situation.
5. (a) ……………………. idle man and (b) …………………… active man cannot be equal. We know (c) …………….. story of (d) ……………….. ant and (e) …………………… grasshopper. (f) …………………… ant was industrious. On the other hand, the grasshopper was really (g) …………………… lazy. The ant knew that (h) …………………. industrious shine. On (i) …………………… lazy suffer in life.
6. An angry man is not liked (a) …………………. even by (b) …………………….. idiot. There is difference between the educated and (c) ……………………. uneducated. An educated (d) …………………. person should come forward to educate (e) ………………….. uneducated. On the other hand (f) …………………. rich man should have (g) …………………. sympathy for (h) …………………… poor. There is difference between (i) …………………. poor man an (j) ………………… rich man.
7. Newspaper plays (a) …………………. important role in our society. It is (b) …………………. most useful thing in our modern life. We cannot think of (c) ………………… day without it. To read newspaper is (d) ………………. good habit. (e) …………………. more we read news paper (f) ………………… more we can acquire knowledge. If we don’t read it, we shall be (g) ……………….. frogs in (h) ………………… dark well. It is (i) …………………. looking glass of (j) …………………. modern world.
8. When (a) ……………….. great poet, Ferdousi, began to write (b) ………………….. Shahnama, the sultan promised him (c) …………………. piece of gold for each (d) ………………… verse. When (e) …………………. epic was finished, it contained sixty thousand (f) ……………….. verses. Instead of giving gold coins, he offered the poet only sixty thousands silver (g) ……………….. coins. The poet refused to take the silver coins and left the court with (h) ……………… broken heart. He was (i) ………………… aggrieved man. Later on the sultan realised that he had made (j) ………………… blunder.
9. Long ago, there was (a) ………………… Sultan in Bengal. His name was Giasuddin Azam. His capital was (b) ………………. Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was (c) ………………… very just and kind ruler. (d) ………………….. Sultan’s hobby was hunting. One day he was on hunting (e) ……………… deer in (f) ………………… jungle. He shot (g) ……………….. arrow aiming at (h) ………………… fawn. The arrow missed (i) ………………… aim. By chance it pierced (j) ………………… boy standing in the jungle.
10. Truthfulness is (a) ……………….. greatest of all (b) …………………. virtues which makes (c) ………………… person really great. If we do not cultivate (d) ………………… habit of speaking (e) ……………….. truth, we cannot command (f) …………………… confidence of others. The man whom nobody believes can never be famous in life. It may be that we may succeed once or twice by telling (g) ………………… lie, but it never brings about (h) …………………. good result. A lie never lies hidden. Today or tomorrow it comes to light. Then (i) …………………. real character of (j) ………………… liar is revealed and nobody believes him. All hate him and speak ill of him behind his back.
11. (a) ………………… Bangladesh is (b) ………………….. land of six seasons. Of all (c) ……………….. seasons I like the spring most. It is called (d) ………………… queen of seasons. It comprises (e) ………………… Bengali months of (f) ……………….. Falgun and Chaitra. After (g) ……………….. end of (h) ……………….. winter it comes with (i) ………………….. all its beauty and (j) ………………… charms.
12. (a) …………………. Bangladesh is (b) ………………. land of rivers. There are (c) ………………… blessing of Almighty Allah and pride to us. They are closely related to our economy and (d) ………………… prosperity of our (e) ……………….. country. Ours is (f) …………………. agricultural country. Our (g) ………………. agriculture largely depends on our rivers. Rivers make our lands alluvial and fertile by (h) …………………. scattering silt over them during (i) ……………….. rainy season. Our rivers are also (j) ………………… important means of communication.
13. (a) ……………….. Taj Mahal is surrounded by (b) ……………….. beautiful garden and there is (c) ……………… long pool that stretches out in front of (d) ………………….. building. One can see (e) ……………….. beauty of (f) …………………… Taj Mahal in its reflection in (g) …………………… pool water. Visitors come to see this wonder (h) …………………. at different times of the day since it assumes (i) ………………… different look at different times. Most of (j) …………………. people like it best on moonlit nights.
14. (a) ……………….. literate man is (b) ………………. asset for (c) ………………… undeveloped country. He can teach (d) ……………….. ignorant person (e) …………………. unique (f) ……………….. matter without facing (g) ………………… obstruction. For this, there is difference between (h) ………………. educated and (i) ……………….. uneducated. The role played by (j) ……………….. learned is beyond description.
15. Once Sheikh Saadi was going to (a) ………………… court of (b) ………………….. king of (c) ………………… Iran. On his way (d) …………………. night fell. He took shelter in (e) ………………… rich man’s house. He had (f) ………………. very simple dress on. (g) ………………… master of (h) ………………… house did not show him due respect. (i) ………………… few days later, he went there again with (j) ……………….. rich dress on. This time he was duly respected.
16. Patriotism is a noble (a) …………………. virtue. It inspires (b) …………………. man to shed last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his (c) ………………. country. (d) …………………. man without patriotism is no better than (e) ………………. beast. A true patriot is honoured by (f) ………………… all. He thinks for (g) ………………. welfare of his country. On (h) ……………….. other hand. (i) …………………. unpatriotic man thinks only of his own interest. Those who die for (j) …………………. country are true patriots. They are remembered even after their death.
17. (a) ……………….. morning walk is a good habit for all classes of people. It is (b) …………………. simple exercise and good for health and (c) ………………. mentality. In the morning (d) ……………….. air is fresh from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure (e) …………………. environment makes an active effort on (f) ………………….. walkers’ health and mind. When (g) ………………… man enjoys (h) …………………. beauties and solemnity of (j) ………………… morning, it makes him fresh.
18. One night Bayezid Bustami, (a) ………………… great saint, was returning home late. On (b) ……………….. way he met (c) ………………… man. (d) ……………….. man was a drunkard. He carried (e) ……………… instrument. He was shouting using bad words. Bayezid told him to stop. (f) ………………… man became very angry. He hit Bayezid on (g) ……………….. head with his instrument. Bayezid was wounded and blood came out of (h) ………………… wound. The instrument also broke into pieces. Bayezid understood that it was useless to talk to (i) ………………….. man. He went home. The following morning Bayezid put some sweetmeats and some money in (j) ………………….. basket.
19. Once (a) ……………….. school boy named (b) …………………. ahasanullah was going home after completing his class. When he was crossing the road, he saw (c) …………………. old woman lying on the road. She was (d) ………………… senseless and it was impossible for her to cross (e) ……………….. road. People come and pass but no one looks at her. The boy felt (f) ………………… strong sense of sympathy for her. He rushed to (g) ………………… lying helpless woman and somehow managed to rescue her from (h) ………………. accident. The boy also helped her to go to her residence. Last but not (i) ………………. least, the woman prayed to the Almighty for (j) ……………… his betterment.
20. (a) ………………… infant often asks such (b) ………………….. uncommon question that even an aged (c) ……………………. man fails to answer (d) …………………… question. (e) ………………….. intelligent man thinks over (f) ……………………. question. It is not an easy (g) ……………….. matter to satisfy (h) ………………. inquisitive boy. An important (i) ……………….. man may grow angry with (j) ……………….. boy who always wants to know more.
21. (a) ………………… mouse had his hole near a pool in (b) …………………. forest. (c) ………………. frog often came out to bask in (d) ……………….. sun. As luck would have it both of them became (e) ………………. fast friend. But the friend of (f) ………………. mouse and (g) …………………. frog was not at all desired. Because of the fact that (h) …………………. frog had his home in (i) ………………… water while (j) ……………….. mouse on land.
22. (a) ………………… moon awakens in our hearts (b) ……………….. feeling (c) ……………… of love and tenderness. (d) ………………. moon has furnished (e) ………………. theme for poets and artists ever since (f) ……………………. stirring of (g) ………………… poetic faculty in men. (h) ………………….. soft and silvery brightness of the moon which (i) ……………….. waves her to charm us is borrowed wholly from (j) …………….. light of the sun.
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