25 September 2011


Everything is perfect coming from the hands of the Creator; everything degenerates in the hands of man. 
– Jean Jacques Rousseau.

Corruption is a term widely used in the globe as well as in Bangladesh. It is the most talked factor that impedes our over-all development. It is a complex matter. It is an incurable social malady which hampers our national progress. It is increasingly becoming an enduring pattern of our daily life. Actually it is posing a threat to smooth democratic process.

Corruption is a widespread issue and overused word in Bangladesh. The word ‘corruption’ means performing any work by adopting illegal means. By doing illegitimate act a man breaks laws, destroys morality and possesses a lot of black money. Such a moneyed man is a national enemy in the guise of a good citizen. Corruption normally originates from unsettled problems, incomplete work, weak administration, vicious politics, illegal spying, poverty and above all from many other relevant issues. A corrupt person usually neglects his specified duty to have an undue advantage. Bribery, misuse of power, nepotism, and greed for wealth are the most common forms of corruption.

Corruption influences the lot of a nation. A corrupt man can easily go against the interest of the common mass and country, and blindly runs after making money. He is a traitor as he is busy with personal attainment. A traitor never thinks of betterment of the country and people. He is devoid of conscience. This type of evil man does not hesitate to commit assassination and crimes on a large scale and destroys the future of the country.

The causes of corruption are not far to seek. Temptation for wealth, poverty, limitless demand, political instability, avarice for more power, ambiguity of laws, lack of patriotism, and unemployment are the root cause of corruption. Political instability and poverty compel a man to adopt corruption. Employees in lower positions become corrupt to satisfy their superiors in commanding position, and often they are encouraged and supported by the high officials. Again, some become the victims of circumstances and evidently discover themselves involved in corruption. Honest men derail and deviate themselves from the right path when they are threatened and guided by the corrupt one.

At present corruption is rampant in every sphere of our society especially in basic services like education, public health, and in judiciary, police, taxation, administration and power. Government, semi-government, and non-government office, education sector, law-enforcing agencies and political parties are tremendously involved in corruption. A great amount of money for development work is misappropriated. It affects each and every issue directly and indirectly of the country. Every sphere of development is getting corrupt day by day. It affects business world, political system and finance sectors. It obstructs the normal course of our life. Sustainable development activities lose smoothness.

Corruption begets corruption and smashes the backbone of national economy. It has received our increasing attention in last few decades. Normal governance fails to work smoothly. It can be found in the ancient ages. It is as old as human civilization. It flows through the veins of every immoral people of the world and poisons the entire society. Now it is endemic in almost every country of the world. It is injurious and destructive to public interest. It has broken out in an epidemic form in Bangladesh. Its presence can be felt every nook and corner. It seems that gradually it is becoming impossible for us to distinguish between the fair one and the unfair. Its effect is devastating and negatively far reaching that frustrates our development activities. Bangladesh has been rated the most corrupt country of the globe by the Transparency International. Other surveys including World Bank and ADB also found Bangladesh sinking into acute corruption. Consequently, our country is lagging behind, and countrymen are losing hope.

As a diligent citizen, it is shameful and embarrassing to find one into never-ending corruption. When the political leaders and high officials engage in corruption, they are accountable to an impartial judiciary called Anti-corruption Commission.

Bangladesh government formulated independent Anti-corruption Commission in November 2004. The commission has already started functioning effectively. This has enkindled the light hope for the nation to see the country corruption- free soon. Untidy politicization is also weakening and influencing the commission and, therefore, it is becoming non-functional. Government must be sincere to clarify the filthy elements of corruption from the country. Reformation of Anti-corruption Commission is an important necessity now. However, it is mammoth task for the government to stop corruption alone. So raising awareness and active participation of each and every conscientious citizen from the grass-root level is a must. All should come forward keeping hand in hand in this respect with a view to alleviation corruption.

Alleviation of corruption can show the nation a new dawn of hope. Prosperity will anchor in the shore of the national economy if the country does not inundate with corruption. An all out effort should be made to stop this social malpractice. It is high time every citizen raised voice against corruption and put sincere effort. If it is possible, golden days are not far away, of course.

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