20 September 2011

NASA's Missions

  • Apollo

    President Kennedy's bold challenge set the nation on a journey unlike any before in human history--a journey to land on the moon.
  • Astronaut Donald K. Slayton (left) and cosmonaut Alexey A. Leonov visit in the Soyuz Orbital Module. Image Credit: NASA

    Apollo-Soyuz Test Project

    The first international partnership in space wasn't the ISS or even the Shuttle-Mir missions; it was the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.
  • Ares I-X test rocket

    Ares I-X Flight Test

    Ares I-X completes a successful flight test.
  • Constellation Program


    Ares rockets and the Orion crew vehicle.
  • Deep Impact

    Deep Impact

    Exploring Comet Tempel 1 to determine the origins of life in our Solar System.
  • Explorer 1


    America's first artificial satellite.
  • Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer (FAST)

    Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer (FAST)  →

    FAST, the second mission in NASA's Small Explorer Satellite Program (SMEX), is a satellite designed to study Earth's aurora.
  • Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Mission

    Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Mission  →

    FUSE looks at light in the far ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Galileo

    Galileo  →

    Journey to Jupiter.
  • Gemini patch


    Bridge to the moon.
  • Genesis

    Genesis Mission

    The search for origins.
  • Glory spacecraft


    The Glory mission failed to reach orbit after launch. Telemetry indicated the fairing did not separate as expected.
  • Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE)

    Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE)  →

    IMAGE is a mission to study the global response of the magnetosphere to the changes in solar wind.
  • Space Shuttle Discovery

    International Space Station

    Read more about past missions to the International Space Station.
  • Mars Global Surveyor

    Mars Global Surveyor  →

    After studying the Red Planet four times longer than originally planned, the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter succumbed to battery failure.
  • Mars Pathfinder

    Mars Pathfinder

    Mars Pathfinder was the first mission to deliver a lander and a free-ranging robotic rover to the surface of Mars.
  • Pressure suit helmet, gloves and boots


    America's First Space Program.
  • artist concept of Orbiting Carbon Observatory

    Orbiting Carbon Observatory

    NASA's first spacecraft dedicated to studying carbon dioxide, the leading human-produced greenhouse gas driving changes in Earth's climate.
  • Phoenix Mars Lander

    Phoenix Mars Lander

    The search for possible conditions for life in the Martian arctic.
  • Pioneer


    A journey through our solar system and beyond.
  • Pioneer Venus

    Pioneer Venus

    The mission's objective was to investigate the Venus's solar wind, map the planet's surface and study the upper atmosphere.
  • Polar Mission

    Polar Mission  →

    The Polar Mission was designed to obtain data from both high- and low-altitude perspectives of the polar region of geospace.
  • QuikScat


    The Quick Scatterometer, or QuikScat, replaces the NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT) instrument on Japan's Midori satellite.
  • Shuttle-Mir


    In the arena of space exploration, the U.S. and Russia share a history of competition and cooperation.
  • Skylab


    America's first space station and orbital science and engineering laboratory.
  • Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) Mission

    Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) Mission  →

    SAMPEX studies the energy, composition and charge states of particles from supernova explosions in the distant reaches of the galaxy, from the heart of solar flares and from the depths of nearby interstellar space.
  • Space Shuttle Endeavour

    Space Shuttle

    Read more about past shuttle missions.
  • Space Technology 5

    Space Technology 5

    The Space Technology 5 (ST5) Project built and tested micro-satellites to validate new technologies for future science missions.
  • Stardust


    Exploring Comet Tempel 1

    Topex Mission  →

    The Topex mission will collect information with which scientists can relate changes in ocean currents to atmospheric and climate patterns.
  • Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) Mission

    Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) Mission  →

    TRACE enables solar physicists to study the connections between fine-scale magnetic fields and the associated plasma structures on the Sun.
  • Viking


    The Viking Mission to Mars: Determining whether life ever existed on Mars.
  • UARS

    UARS Mission  →

    The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), launched in 1991, orbited at an altitude of 375 miles.
  • Ulysses

    Ulysses Mission  →

    A mission to study the sun at all latitude

    Source: NASA

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