19 August 2011

A quick start for where to use the capital letters?

Most of the peo­ple are con­fused with the usage of cap­i­tal let­ters. We will use the cap­i­tal let­ters where we should not use and don’t use when it is nec­es­sary. Incor­rect usage of cap­i­tal let­ters leads to the mis­un­der­stand­ing some­times. These cap­i­tal let­ters with in a sen­tence helps the reader as an indi­ca­tion to the start­ing of the new sen­tence. The rules are very dif­fer­ent for using these cap­i­tal let­ters bur very easy to learn. Let’s learn where to use the cap­i­tal let­ters and where not to use them.

The first and fore­most rule is that all the proper nouns which includes names, geo­graph­i­cal places, spe­cific his­tor­i­cal events and doc­u­ments, lan­guages, nation­al­i­ties, coun­tries etc.
Cap­i­tal­ize the first word at the begin­ning of a sen­tence.
Cap­i­tal­ize Names and Titles:
• Cap­i­tal­ize each person’s name. E.g. S.Mahidhar
• If a name begins with d’, de, du, or von, cap­i­tal­ize the pre­fix unless it is pre­ceded by the first name or a title.
• If a name starts with Mc, o, or St., then cap­i­tal­ize the next let­ter. E.g. Mc Don­ald, Mc Mohan, St. Marie.
• If the name begins with la or le then also cap­i­tal­ize the word that fol­lows. E.g. Le Blanck.
• Cap­i­tal­ize some of the names of the ani­mals like Lassie, Mor­ris the cat.
• Cap­i­tal­ize all the reli­gious names, mil­i­tary posts, gov­ern­ment heads.
• Cap­i­tal­ize all the parts of a gov­ern­ment offi­cials post. E.g. Vice Pres­i­dent.
• Cap­i­tal­ize all the book titles, play titles, movie titles, news­pa­per titles, mag­a­zines names, when writ­ing the full forms of abbre­vi­a­tions.
Cap­i­tal­ize Names and Lan­guages and Reli­gions:
• Cap­i­tal­ize all the names of the reli­gions, lan­guages, coun­tries and races.
• When refer­ring to the gods, cap­i­tal­ize the pro­nouns also.
• Don’t cap­i­tal­ize the words god and god­dess when refer­ring to the ancient mythol­ogy. But in gen­eral use cap­i­tal let­ters for God and God­dess.
Cap­i­tal­ize the proper adjec­tives and prod­uct nouns:
• Cap­i­tal­ize the adjec­tives that are formed from the nouns. E.g. Italy– Ital­ian.
• Don’t cap­i­tal­ize the pre­fix that was attached to a proper adjec­tive unless the pre­fix refers to a nation­al­ity. E.g. all Indi­ans, Old Eng­lish.
• Use cap­i­tal let­ters for all the brand names.
Use cap­i­tal let­ters for days, months and all hol­i­days:

Use cap­i­tal let­ters for the names of days like Sun­day, Mon­day etc.
• Use cap­i­tal let­ters for the names of the months like Decem­ber, July etc.
• Cap­i­tal­ize the names of the hol­i­days like Repub­lic day, New Year.
Cap­i­tal­ize the first let­ters of abbre­vi­a­tions, start­ing of a sen­tence, sen­tences after the colon, greet­ing words, names of the degrees, time (A.M, P.M), some short­cuts like Mount – Mt etc.

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